Mass (best practices)

Attend Latin Mass as much as possible because it has greater merit (all other things being equal)


Upon entering a Church (Jesus to Edson Glauber at Itapiranga; not yet approved)

From this day forward, during your life here on Earth, when you enter a church, seek first the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Pray a little and then find a place to sit. This prayer is to be made before the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar:
"O my Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I am here before You, to ask you for what is necessary for my family and for all the people of the whole world and to thank you for all that You have already done for them, for my family until the fourth generation, for the family of my spouse until the fourth generation and for all humanity.
I thank you Lord, for all the people who do not know how to thank you.  Amen."
​Once you have found a place to sit, either on your knees, standing or sitting continue to pray:
"O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my family, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my family until the fourth generation, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my spouse’s family until the fourth generation, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of my neighbors, my friends, my enemies, the agonizing, the souls in Purgatory, the incarcerated, the perverse, the evildoers, the criminals, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of atheists, the people who do not love you, the people who persecute us, the people who criticize us, the people who do not know how to love God above all things and their brothers as themselves, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of the mothers who have aborted their children, the mothers who have abandoned their children, the people who have abandoned their father and their mother in facilities, the people who have practiced adultery, forgive them of their sins and grant them eternal salvation.
O my Sacramental Jesus, have mercy on the souls of all your children, the good and the bad, many of them do not know what they do. Amen."

Padre Pio on how to behave at mass
*Enter the church in silence and with great respect, considering yourself unworthy to appear before the Lord's Majesty. 

*Remember that our soul is the temple of God and, as such, we must keep it pure and spotless before God and his angels. Let us blush for having given access to the devil and his snares many times 

*Then take holy water and make the sign of the cross carefully and slowly. As soon as you are before God in the Blessed Sacrament, devoutly genuflect. 

*Once you have found your place, kneel down and render the tribute of your presence and devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Confide all your needs to him along with those of others. Speak to him with filial abandonment, give free rein to your heart and give him complete freedom to work in you as he thinks best. 

*When assisting at Holy Mass and the sacred functions, be very composed when standing up, kneeling down, and sitting, and carry out every religious act with the greatest devotion. Be modest in your glances; don't turn your head here and there to see who enters and leaves. Don't laugh, out of reverence for this holy place and also out of respect for those who are near you. Try not to speak to anybody, except when charity or strict necessity requests this. If you pray with others, say the words of the prayer distinctly, observe the pauses well and never hurry. In short, behave in such a way that all present are edified by it and, through you, are urged to glorify and love the heavenly Father. 

*On leaving the church, you should be recollected and calm. Firstly take your leave of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament; ask his forgiveness for the shortcomings committed in his divine presence and do not leave him without asking for and having received his paternal blessing.

Above all, be extremely modest in everything...nothing more widely represents the good or bad qualities of a soul than the greater or lesser regulation of the exterior, as when one appears more or less modest. You must be modest in speech, modest in laughter, modest in your bearing, modest in walking. All this must be practiced, not out of vanity in order to display one's self, nor out of hypocrisy in order to appear to be good to the eyes of others, but rather, for the internal virtue of modesty, which regulates the external workings of the body.

General tips:
After Communion, pray, "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, may the whole world burn with love for you.
(Jesus to St. Gabrielle Bossis)


More great info on Mass:

Jesus told St. Gertrude:
*For every mass we hear with devotion, Our Lord sends a saint to comfort us at death.

Graces derived from Mass
  1. The Mass is Calvary continued.
  2. Every Mass is worth as much as the sacrifice of our Lord’s life, sufferings and death.
  3. Holy Mass is the most powerful atonement for your sins.
  4. At the hour of death the Masses you have heard will be your greatest consolation.
  5. Every Mass will go with you to judgment and plead for pardon.
  6. At Mass you can diminish more or less temporal punishment due to your sins, according to your fervor.
  7. Assisting devoutly at Holy Mass you render to the sacred humanity of Our Lord the greatest homage.
  8. He supplies for many of your negligences and omissions.
  9. He forgives the venial sins which you have not confessed. The power of Satan over you is diminished.
  10. You afford the souls in Purgatory the greatest possible relief.
  11. One Mass heard during life will be of more benefit to you than many heard for you after your death.
  12. You are preserved from dangers and misfortunes which otherwise might have befallen you. You shorten your Purgatory.
  13. Every Mass wins for you a higher degree of glory in Heaven. (Jesus told this to St. Gertrude)
  14. You receive the priest’s blessing which Our Lord ratifies in Heaven.
  15. You kneel amidst a multitude of holy angels, who are present at the adorable Sacrifice with reverential awe.
  16. You are blessed in your temporal goods and affairs.In eternity, we shall fully realize that it was certainly worthwhile to have assisted at Holy Mass daily. PRAY FOR PRIESTS THAT THEY MAY OFFER THE MASS WITH HOLY LOVE AND REVERENCE.


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