St. Joseph


Visions St. Joseph appeared:

Our Lady of Knock (approved)
Our Lady of Fatima (approved)
Our Lady of America (not yet approved or disapproved)
Itapiranga, Brazil (not yet approved or disapproved)

Our Lady of America 
(not yet approved or disapproved)

St. Joseph, Virgin-Father of Jesus: Model of Humility and Obedience

Mary to Sister Mary Ephrem:

"Let my children honor my most pure heart in a special way on the First Wednesday of the month by reciting the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in memory of my life with Jesus and Mary and the love I bore them, the sorrow I suffered with them. Let them receive Holy Communion in union with which I received the Savior the first time and each time I held Him in my arms."

"My spiritual fatherhood extends to all God's children. Fathers must come to learn obedience to authority: to the Church. The Holy Trinity desires thus to honor me that in my unique fatherhood all fatherhood might be blessed."

The Holy Family: Model for Every Family on Earth


Visions at Itapiranga, Brazil 1996-2008 
(not yet approved or disapproved)

3x a day Consecration Prayer to the Holy Family morning, afternoon, night)

Mary to Edson Glauber:

Teach this consecration to all your brothers. It is the consecration to the Three Hearts. This consecration will be made to our Three Hearts United in one love. Make the sign of the cross as you say the words and consecrate your whole being to our Most Holy Hearts that love you so much.

"Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph,
I consecrate to you this day my mind (+ on the forehead), my words (+ on the lips),
my body (+ on the chest), my heart (+ under the left shoulder) and my soul (+ under the right shoulder), so that your will be done through me this day (this afternoon or this night). Amen!"

Promises of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph

  1. "I promise to all those who honor my Most Chaste Heart and will perform here on earth good deeds for those in most need, especially the sick and dying, for whom I am comforter and protector, to receive in the last moment of their lives the grace of a holy death." 
  2. "I promise all the faithful who will honor my Most C​haste Heart with faith and love, the grace to live a life of holy purity of soul and body, the strength and the means necessary to overcome all the attacks and temptations of the devil. I myself will protect them as my own precious possession.  This grace is not only for those who will honor my heart, but also for all their family members who may be in need of heavenly assistance." 
  3. "I promise to ask the Lord for all those who will invoke me, honoring this heart of mine, the grace to be able to resolve the most difficult problems and the most urgent needs, that in the eyes of men would seem impossible to resolve, but through my intercession to the Lord, they will become possible." 
  4. "I promise to all those who trust in this heart of mine, pure and chaste, honoring it devoutly, the grace to be consoled by me in their most grave distress of soul and in danger of being condemned, when, by disgrace, would loose sanctifying grace due to their grave sins.  To these sinners who turn to me I promise the graces of my Heart for a purpose of amendment, repentance and sincere contrition of their sins."  
  5. "I promise to tell all those who will honor this heart of mine and will have full trust in me and in my intercession, that they will not be abandoned in their difficulties and trials of life, because I will ask the Lord to help them with His divine assistance with their problems, material or spiritual." 
  6. "The fathers and mothers who will consecrate themselves with their families to my heart will have my assistance in their afflictions and problems, also in raising and educating their children.  The way I brought up the Son of the Most High in His Holy Divine Laws, in the same way I will help all fathers and mothers who will consecrate their children to me, raising them in the love of the Holy Commandments of God, so that they will find the surest way to salvation." 
  7. "those who will honor this Most Chaste Heart of mine, that they will receive the grace of my protection from all evil and danger. Those who entrust themselves to me will not be struck by misfortune, wars, famine, pestilence, and other calamities, but will have my heart as a safe refuge and protection.  Here in my heart everyone will receive protection from the Divine Justice in the days to come, because those who will consecrate themselves to my heart, and honor it, will be looked upon by my Son Jesus with eyes of mercy, because Jesus will pour out His love and will bring to the glory of His reign all those that I place in my heart." 
  8. "those who will spread the devotion to my heart and will practice it with love and with conviction of heart, will have the certainty to have their names engraved in it, in the same way the cross of my Son Jesus and the M of Mary are engraved in the form of a wound. This is also a promise for all priests because I love them with predilection.  The priests who will have devotion to my heart and will spread it, will have the grace, granted by God, to touch the most hardened hearts and to convert the most obstinate sinners." 
  9. (Mary): "those who will honor devoutly and will have love for the heart of the heart of my spouse Joseph.  My son, tell every one who will honor his Most Chaste Heart that they will benefit of my maternal presence in a very special way in their lives because I will be at the side of every son and daughter of mine, helping them and comforting them with my Heart of a Mother, in the same way I helped and comforted My Most Chaste Spouse Joseph in this world; and for all that they will ask to my Heart with trust, I promise to intercede to the Eternal Father, to My Divine Son Jesus and to the Holy Spirit, obtaining from the Lord the grace to reach perfect sanctity and to imitate My spouse Joseph in virtues, reaching in this way the perfection of love in the manner he lived it." 
  10. (Jesus): "those who will honor the Most Chaste Heart of my virginal father Joseph, will receive the grace on the last day of their life, to conquer the deceit of the enemy of salvation, obtaining the victory and the recompense merited in the reign of my Heavenly Father.  Those who will honor devoutly this Most Chaste Heart in this world will have the certainty to receive great glory in Heaven, a grace that will not be granted to those who will not honor it as I ask.  The souls devoted to my virginal father Joseph will benefit of the beatific vision of the Most Holy Trinity and will have a deep knowledge of the Triune God, three times Holy.  In Heaven, they will also enjoy the presence of my Heavenly Mother and of my virginal father Joseph, as my heavenly glory reserved to all of them from eternity.  These souls will be dear to the Most Holy Trinity and to my Mother, Mary Most Holy and will surround the Chaste Heart of my virginal father Joseph, as most beautiful lilies.  This is my Great Promise for all men in the entire world devoted to my virginal father Joseph."

Hail Joseph Prayer

Jesus to Edson Glauber: 

"Spread this prayer to whole world. Through this prayer God wishes my name to be more known and loved. He also wants to bestow a lot of graces through it upon those who will honor me by praying it. Those who will pray this prayer will be given many graces from Heaven. Through it, I will be often invoked by the whole world and I will be able, by my loved and honorable heart, to grant a lot of graces to sinners who are in need of divine help. It is important that this prayer be made known to everyone. May it reach everywhere, so all people can enjoy the goodness of God through it.  This is His Most Holy Will that I am revealing to you right now."

"Hail Joseph, son of David, just and chaste man, Wisdom is with you, 
blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary your faithful wife. 
Saint Joseph, worthy Father and Protector of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Church, 
pray for us sinners and obtain from God the Divine Wisdom, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen!"

Edson Glauber's six different ways to honor the Heart of St. Joseph:

1) The image of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, a request made at an apparition on December 25, 1996, where Jesus and Our Lady revealed to the world the Heart of St. Joseph.  The original picture of the Three Sacred Hearts united is in the residence of the confidants in Manaus, and from this painting several copies are being spread in many places where devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph grows each time;


2) The Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, as requested by Jesus during the apparition on June 6, 1997, on the Feast of His Sacred Heart, according to the message received, where He communicated His will: "I wish the first Wednesday after the Feast of My Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be the Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph."

3) The Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows and Joys of St. Joseph, which now should be prayed with the prayer that Jesus (1/7/08) and St. Joseph (3/29/02) have asked us to pray, so that we are able to enjoy his intercession, begging his Most Holy and Mighty Name that makes all of hell tremble and disperses the demons, as Jesus revealed in an apparition.

4) The scapular of St. Joseph was revealed to Edson during two apparitions: the first on July 14, 2000, at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Aylesford (England), in the same place where the Blessed Virgin appeared to St. Simon Stock, showing him the scapular; the second apparition took place on July 16, 2001, on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in Sciacca (AG, Sicily) Italy, on the 750th anniversary of the delivery of the Scapular to St. Simon by Our Lady.  The scapular represents a sign of protection and devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, who wants to lead us to God and to holiness, emphasizing his virtues of purity, obedience, silence and humility, and igniting the flame of faith and love for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin.  St. Joseph will protect those wearing the scapular as his property and will bestow innumerable graces through his Most Chaste Heart upon those who will be tempted against purity and will protect them against the attacks by the devil and each evil spirit. Especially young people should wear this scapular, as they are most attacked by the devil.  Parents should recommend it to their children to wear it, since St. Joseph offers his help and protection, as he guided and protected Jesus on earth.

5) The spreading of devotion to the Heart of St. Joseph, accompanied by good deeds of charity in favor of the most needy, especially of the sick and dying, as St. Joseph requested in his promises revealed in March, 1998.

6) The first Wednesdays of the month should be remembered as days of special graces where St. Joseph pours out torrents of extraordinary graces upon all those who appeal his intercession, honoring his Most Chaste Heart. Jesus himself promised that these faithful servants will enjoy great glory in Heaven which, on the other hand, will not be given to those who will not honor him as He asked. 

Mary Miravalle Book on Itapiranga: 

The Three Hearts: Apparitions of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph from the Amazon


Music Album: 
The Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph at Ephesus 
by the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles
(encouraged by Cardinal Burke)



Homilies and Lectures on St. Joseph

Sensus Fidelium
Friars of the Immaculate


St. Joseph Consecration by Fr. Don Calloway

Life of St. Joseph from visions of Venerable Mary Agreda
(Mystical City of God)
(Short excerpts)

The Betrothal
At the age of 13 and a half years, God informed her that she was to become betrothed. Our Lady had, from an early age, taken a vow of chastity. In complete obedience she had to suspend this vow, although she felt sadness at doing so.  God spoke to the high priest Simeon and commanded him to arrange the marriage of Mary.  Our Lady told Simeon of her desire to remain a virgin, but also her desire to obey the Lord. Simeon told her that ‘no maiden of Israel abstains from marriage as long as we expect the coming of the Messiah’.  This happened nine days before the date by which a marriage should be arranged, which was Our Lady’s 14th birthday.  On that day male descendants of the tribe of Judea and of the race of David came to the temple, and amongst them was Joseph of Nazareth.  He was then 33 years old and was handsome but was also most chaste in thought and conduct.  In order to choose Mary’s husband-to-be, the Holy Spirit spoke to the High Priest and asked that all the men be given a dry stick to hold.  They then prayed. Of all the men, Joseph was the most humble in his thoughts for he had also taken a vow of chastity.  Nevertheless, it was his stick which was seen to blossom.  At this, the priests declared Joseph to be the spouse of Mary.

Mary went with Joseph to Nazareth 
where she had inherited her parents’ possessions and estates. They were welcomed and visited by friends and relations with joyful congratulations.  It was the custom that for the first few days of their married state the husband and wife should enter upon a study or trial of each other.  During this time, Our Lady and St Joseph declared to each other their previous vows of chastity.  Both ratified their vows and agreed to live as companions.  At this the two felt an incomparable joy and consolation.  They immediately set about dividing the property inherited from St Joachim and St Anne.  One part they offered to the temple, another they gave to the poor and the third was kept for their sustenance. St Joseph was trained as a carpenter.  He and Our Lady agreed that he should exercise that trade. They agreed to remain poor and be lovers of the poor.

The Visitation
Mary and Joseph went to visit St Elizabeth in the Judean mountains. Elizabeth and Zechariah lived about 60 miles from Nazareth (rough and broken terrain). The journey took 4 days. A humble beast was their only convenience. Many times Mary dismounted and asked St Joseph to share the beast. Joseph never accepted the offer. In order to yield in some way to Mary, he permitted her to occasionally walk with him when her strength could sustain. But soon again, he'd modestly and reverently ask her to ride, and she would obey. They made good use of each moment during the journey and were guarded by a host of angels in corporeal form (though only seen by Mary). As Mary prayed, praised and sung divine canticles, Joseph maintained a discreet silence of contemplation, gaining some understanding of Mary's soul. Sometimes they would speak together of salvation of souls, the Lord's mercy, the coming of the Messiah, as well as prophesies and mysteries of the Lord. On the way, Joseph's love for Mary grew even stronger. He experienced new reactions in his soul from their conversations. He felt himself inflamed by divine love and imbued with exalted knowledge. He was entirely renewed spiritually. He was naturally most noble and courteous, with charming and pleasing manners. In Joseph was a loving and discreet solicitude. Joseph anxiously attended to Mary, asking many times if she was tired and what he could do to serve her. 
When they arrived, St. Joseph went ahead of Mary, and announced to those in the house, "The Lord be with you and fill your souls with divine grace." St. Elizabeth, already knew Mary was pregnant (though Joseph didn't yet). Elizabeth entertained and served Joseph with great reverence and the highest esteem. After staying 3 days, he asked Mary permission to return to Nazareth and return to bring her home when given notice. Elizabeth gave Joseph some presents to take home, but he only took a small part of them. Joseph was a lover of poverty and possessed a magnanimous heart. 
At the call of Elizabeth, Joseph returned to bring her home. Zacharias and Elizabeth, now aware of Mary's pregnancy with Jesus (though Joseph still was not) welcomed Joseph with indescribable devotion and reverence. Mary received Joseph by kneeling before him in discreet and modest jubilation, and sought his blessing and pardon for not serving him for 3 months. Mary wanted to repay Joseph for the want of her consoling companionship. Joseph told Mary he again enjoyed her delightful presence and was relieved of the pain of her absence. Before their journey, Mary, on bended knees, besought St. Joseph to bless her, as she was accustomed to doing.

St Joseph Realizes Mary’s Pregnancy 
Mary was five months into her pregnancy when Joseph noticed she was pregnant. He was perplexed and wounded to his inmost heart. he did not know how this could happen. He and Mary already agreed to vows of chastity. Joseph did not believe Mary sinned. 
One of his great fears was the dread of being obligated to hand his spouse over to the authorities to be stoned. St Joseph persevered in prayer in order to decide what action he should take.  Sometimes, carried away by his grief, he spoke to Mary with some degree of severity such as he had not shown before. This was the natural effect of the affliction of heart, not of anger or vengeful feelings.  Mary became aware of Joseph’s resolve to leave her.  One night Joseph decided to depart and packed some clothes and other trifles for his journey, having also claimed some wages which were due to him.  Before leaving he prayed for guidance and resolved to offer up some of the money to the temple to ask God to protect Mary.  Then he prepared himself for a short sleep with the intention of leaving at midnight.  Mary was allowed, by divine intervention, to observe all that took place and she was filled with tender compassion and prayed to the Lord for his providence. In his sleep all was revealed to him and he awoke with the full consciousness that his spouse was the true Mother of God and he gave thanks to the Lord.  The Lord looked on him in benevolence and kindness as upon no other man, for he accepted him as his foster father.

The Nativity
The Bible story, whereby Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to register under the decree of Caesar Augustus is followed in Mary Agreda’s book.  Joseph was especially concerned at this journey as Our Lady was now far advanced in her pregnancy.  As so many were traveling St Joseph had difficulty in obtaining a donkey to carry Our Lady.  But eventually one was found.  Joseph and Mary being modest and retiring found the noisy taverns disagreeable and had many hardships on their journey.  Thus did our weary travelers arrive at Bethlehem at four o’clock on the fifth day of traveling.  It was a Saturday.  It was winter and the sun was already sinking in the sky.  They wandered through many streets trying to find somewhere to stay, but everywhere they were turned away and at some places they were met with harsh words and insults.  While wandering the streets they passed the office of the public registry and they inscribed their names and paid the fiscal tribute in order to comply with the edict and not be obliged to return.  Finally, after being turned away from more than 50 places, St Joseph, full of sorrow, told his spouse that he was heartbroken and could only think that Heaven, in thus allowing the hearts of men to be so unmoved, must conceal some mystery. Then he remembered that outside the city walls there was a cave which served as a shelter for shepherds and their flocks.  They found the cave unoccupied and thanked God for this favor.

The Birth of Christ our Savior
The cave was formed entirely of bare and coarse rocks without any natural beauty or artificial adornment; a place intended merely for the shelter of animals.  The angelic spirits showed themselves in their visible forms also to St Joseph.  Our Lady set about cleaning the cave with her own hands.  St Joseph joined in this work and cleaned the floor of the cave.  The holy angels in their visible form also joined in the work of cleaning the cave, also filling it with a holy fragrance.  St Joseph started a fire and he and Mary sat by the fire and partook of the food which they had brought with them.  The Queen of Heaven was so absorbed with the thought of her impending divine delivery that she would not have partaken of any food had she not been urged to by obedience to her spouse.

After supper they gave thanks to God and spent a short time in prayer.  Our Lady felt the approach of the most blessed birth.  She requested her spouse to betake himself to rest and sleep as the night was already far advanced.  St Joseph yielded to her request and urged her to do the same.  For this purpose he prepared a sort of couch with the articles of wear in their possession, making use of a manger that had been left by shepherds for their animals.  Leaving the most Holy Mary in the portion of the cave thus furnished, St Joseph retired to a corner of the entrance where he began to pray.  He was immediately visited by a divine spirit and went into an ecstasy from which he did not return until his heavenly spouse called him.

Meanwhile, Our Lady was called from her resting place by a loud voice of the most High.  This was one of the most admirable ecstasies of her most holy life.  She remained in this ecstasy for a whole hour preceding her divine deliverance.  At the moment when she came out of the ecstasy she felt and saw the body of the infant God begin to move in her womb, releasing and freeing himself from the place which in the course of nature he had occupied for nine months.  He now prepared to issue forth from that sacred bridal chamber.  This movement not only did not cause any pain or hardship, as happens with other daughters of Adam and Eve in their child births, but filled Our Lady with incomparable joy and delight.  In this way, Our Lady gave to the world the only begotten Son of the Father whilst her virginity was not impaired (a miraculous birth).  This happened at the hour of midnight on a Sunday.  Saints Michael and Gabriel were present when the incarnate Word issued forth.  They received him in their hands in great reverence in the same way a priest exhibits the sacred Host.  So these two celestial ministers presented to the divine Mother her glorious Son.  Immediately the Son was able to speak to his mother and they held a heavenly discourse.

It was now time to call St Joseph who, having adored the child King, assisted holy Mary with the wrappings and swaddling clothes, before laying the child in the crib which Our Lady had prepared by arranging the straw and hay.  An ox from a neighboring field ran up in haste and, entering the cave, joined the donkey which had brought Our Lady from Nazareth.  Thus God made man was placed between the two animals, wrapped in swaddling clothes, wonderfully fulfilling the prophesy that ‘the ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib.’ (Isaiah 1:3).

The Adoration of the Shepherds: 
At the birth of Jesus, St Michael visited Limbo to tell the souls there that Christ had been born.  He gave special congratulation to St Anne and St Joachim and told them that their daughter now held in her arms him who had been foretold by the prophets.  Another angel was sent, with the good news, to St Elizabeth and her son John.  Mary of Agreda’s writings of the shepherds is similar to that given in the Bible.  The shepherds are said to have conversed with Our Lady and to have stayed in the cave from the beginning of dawn until midday, when Our Lady gave them something to eat before they departed.  Our Lady and St Joseph showed great reverence when approaching the child Jesus.  They made three genuflections, kissing the earth and making acts of humility and worship.

Our Lady had been given no command or intimation of the will of God regarding the circumcision of Jesus.  She decided that as her holy Son had come to honor and confirm the law by fulfilling it, he should therefore conform to it by being circumcised.  This was despite her knowledge that circumcision was intended to cleanse from original sin, and her child did not have that stain.  St Joseph agreed with Our Lady’s wishes.  Our Lady asked Joseph to obtain a crystal or glass vessel for preserving the sacred relic of the circumcision and Our Lady prepared linen cloths to catch the sacred blood which for the first time would be shed.  Our Lady told St Joseph that, when the baby was in her womb, it had been revealed to her that his name should be ‘Jesus’.  All preparations being made, the priest came to the cave along with two other officials.  The sparseness of the cave astonished them, but Our Lady spoke a welcome with such modesty and grace that their constraint was soon changed into one of admiration.  Thus Jesus was circumcised.  At the moment of the circumcision, Jesus offered up to his eternal Father three sacrifices.  One that he, being innocent and the Son of the true God, assumed the condition of a sinner by subjecting himself to a rite instituted as a remedy for original sin.  Second was his willingness to suffer pain.  Third was the most ardent love with which he began to shed his blood for the human race.  When the priest asked for the name, Our Lady asked St Joseph to state the name, which he did, ‘Jesus’

The Adoration of the Magi: 
The three magi kings came from Persia, Arabia and Sabba, which are all countries to the east of Palestine.  A holy angel had brought the news of the birth to the kings.  Although the kings set off separately from their various countries, they soon met as they were following the same star.  The kings conferred among themselves and discovered that their plans were identical.  The star guided them to the cave where Our Lady awaited, standing, with the child in her arms.  The kings entered and were, for a considerable space of time, overwhelmed with wonder.  They worshipped and adored the infant, acknowledging him as the true God and man, and as the Savior of the human race.  They congratulated Our Lady and St Joseph and expressed their wonder and compassion at the great poverty, beneath which were hidden the great mysteries of heaven and earth.  They spent three hours with the Holy Family and then went to find lodgings as there was no room for them in the cave.  Whilst with the Holy Family, the kings had perceived the multitude of angelic spirits who, as servants and ministers of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, attended upon him.  Some others had attended the kings but they had only seen the destitute and neglected condition of the mother and her husband.  Though wondering at the strange events, they perceived nothing of its mystery.  Having found themselves lodgings, the kings spent much of the night talking in wonder about what they had seen.  Recognizing the poverty of the Holy Family, they sent their servants with many gifts, which Mary and Joseph received with humble acknowledgement.  These gifts enabled Our Lady to offer sustenance to ordinary guests and alms for the poor and the needy.  The next day, at dawn, the kings returned to the cave and offered special gifts which they had prepared.  As the Scriptures tell us, they offered gold, incense and myrrh.  They questioned Our Lady in regard to many mysteries and practices of faith.  Our Lady heard them and conferred interiorly with her infant son concerning all they had asked in order to properly answer and instruct these sons of the new law.  The kings were so overcome with the sanctity, sweetness and attraction of her words that they could scarcely part from her.  But an angel of the Lord appeared to them reminding them of the necessity that they should return to their countries.  Before leaving and in accordance with the custom of their countries, they offered to Our Lady some gems of great value.  Because these gifts had no mysterious significance and did not refer to Jesus, she returned them to the kings, keeping only the gifts of gold, incense and myrrh.  In order not to send the kings away empty handed, Our Lady gave them some of the clothes in which she had wrapped Jesus.  The kings accepted these with great joy and encased them in gold and precious stones.  These relics spread a great fragrance a league in circumference (approximately 2 miles).  Only those who believed in God’s coming into the world were able to perceive the fragrance.  Back in their own countries the magi performed great miracles through the use of these relics.  Before taking their leave of the Holy Family the magi offered property and possessions to Our Lady or to build a house for her.  These kind offers were kindly refused and there was a tearful parting.  The kings asked Our Lady and St Joseph to always remember them.  The kings went back a different way to avoid meeting Herod and were led by another star provided by an angel.

The Presentation in the Temple
St Joseph and Our Lady, having provided themselves with a turtle dove and two candles, wrapped Jesus in swaddling clothes and made their way to the temple. When the ceremony of the presentation was over Our Lady kissed the hand of the priest and of Anne, her former teacher.  Then she and St Joseph returned to their lodgings.  Our Lady and St Joseph planned to stay in Bethlehem for a further nine days in order to visit the temple each day to repeat the offering of their son.  

Flight into Egypt: 
On the fifth day of the novena Our Lady was told that she was not to complete it, but that she and St Joseph must take the child to Egypt and flee their homeland, as Herod was attempting to find Jesus and kill him. They would be told when it was safe to return. St Joseph was given the same message in a dream.  They wasted no time, but immediately started on their journey. They stopped for two days in the town of Gaza so that they could rest as they were worn out by the journey.  St Elizabeth had sent a man servant carrying gifts for the child Jesus.  This servant was sent back to St Elizabeth from Gaza carrying messages from the Holy Family. St Joseph cautioned him not to tell anyone of their whereabouts.  But God provided against this danger by taking away his memory, leaving only the message which he was to convey.  During their two days in Gaza Our Lady did many kind deeds.  She freed two sick people from the danger of death and restored a crippled woman to full health.  After leaving Gaza they had to cross the sandy deserts of Bersabe, which was a journey of 60 leagues (approximately 130 miles).  During the desert crossing, which was made in winter, great privations had to be overcome by the Holy Family.  Eventually they entered Heliopolis, which is today’s Cairo.  In order to provide for his family, St Joseph carried out his trade as a carpenter.  During their seven years in Egypt, Our Lady performed many miracles and was always perfect in her alms giving.  During Jesus’ early years Our Lady noticed that he preferred not to use any footwear.  He agreed to her request that he should do so only after his time of public preaching would commence, then he would be barefooted.  He agreed to Our Lady making him a seamless garment.  Our Lady made this herself, choosing the wool and spinning it herself.  She wove a garment of one piece and without a seam.  During this time the mystery of Jesus’ love and devotion to mankind was apparent.  He would often prostrate himself on the ground and was sometimes raised from the ground in the shape of a cross.  On other occasions, in the presence of his holy Mother, he would perspire blood.  This happened many times before his agony in the garden.  Eventually they received the message that it was safe to return to Nazareth.

The Finding in the Temple: 
In accordance with the Jewish law, all men were obliged to present themselves in the temple in Jerusalem three times a year.  St Joseph and Our Lady agreed that she and Jesus would accompany St Joseph on two of these occasions each year.  When Jesus was 12 years old the Holy Family went to Jerusalem in accordance with the law.  It was the feast of the Passover.  The festival lasted for seven days and at the end of this time Our Lady and St Joseph commenced their journey home.  Jesus withdrew himself from them without their knowledge.  This was not difficult to do as the men and women walked in separate groups and Our Lady and St Joseph both thought that Jesus was with the other group.  They travelled a whole day before realizing that Jesus was not with them.  When they discovered their loss they were, for quite a while, both struck dumb with amazement and surprise.  They both felt overwhelmed with self reproach at being so remiss.  They blamed themselves for his loss.  After their initial shock, they felt profound sorrow and discussed what should be done.  They agreed to return at once to Jerusalem to search for Jesus.  Their initial search proved fruitless.  None of their relatives or friends were able to help.  Thus they continued their search for three days ‘without sleeping or eating anything’. On the third day Our Lady decided that Jesus must have gone to join St John in the desert and she resolved to go into the desert to search for him there.  At this the Holy Angels intervened telling her that her son was not in the desert.  But they did not disclose his whereabouts.  She also thought of going to Bethlehem to see whether he had gone to the cave of his birth.  Once again the angels dissuaded her telling her that he was not far off.  Our Lady suffered many trials and much sorrow and, in dealing with the problem, God left her to her natural resources.  Eventually when asking a woman whether she had seen Jesus and giving a description the woman said that a boy of that description had been at her door the day before asking for alms to give to the poor.  Our Lady came across other women who had given alms to a boy of Jesus’ description.  She went to the hospital to be told that a boy similar to her description had been coming to the hospital giving alms to the poor and speaking words of consolation to the afflicted.  It then occurred to Our Lady that as Jesus was not at this moment in the hospital he would probably be at the temple, so she made her way there.  St Joseph, who had been making his own search for Jesus, happened to meet Our Lady as she was on her way to the temple, so they went together.  St Joseph had worked so hard in trying to find Jesus that he had put himself in danger of death by his privations.  He had not slept for three days and would not have eaten if it were not for Our Lady begging him to take some sustenance.  On the day in question, the learned Rabbis were discussing the coming of the Messiah when Jesus came to listen and to question them.  During their discourse Our Lady and St Joseph came into the temple.  Then were spoken the words as recorded in the New Testament: ‘Son, why hast thou done so to us?  Behold, thy Father and I have sought thee sorrowing.’  And Jesus’ reply: ‘Why is it that you sought me?  Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?’  Thus they returned to Nazareth where Jesus was subject to his parents.  

The Death of St Joseph
For eight years St Joseph had been failing. Our Lady realized that his death was approaching and asked Jesus to ensure that his death might be peaceful and that he might be rewarded for his love and care of the Holy Family. Jesus assured his mother that all she asked would be granted. For nine days prior to his death, St Joseph had the continuous company of either Our Lady or Jesus. The day before he died he was wrapped in an ecstasy and was inflamed with divine love. Just before he died he asked Our Lady to give him her blessing but she requested Jesus to do this on her behalf. Jesus gave his blessing and said “My father, rest in peace and in the grace of my eternal father and mine; and to the prophets and the saints, who await thee in Limbo, bring the joyful news of the approach of their redemption.” At these words of Jesus, and reclining in his arms, St Joseph expired. He was 66 and a few days when he died.


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