World Religions

Important Note: We are attempting to deal with objective Jewish texts. We are not judging the souls of individual Jewish people. Some of our best friends are Jewish. We are not anti-semitic. We reject all physical or verbal abuse of Jewish people. We want to deal with people gently, but firmly with ideas.

*The Talmud is an authoritative "holy book" in Judaism. It contains many passages hostile to Non-Jews (ie. Gentiles)

*The Talmud was Condemned by 10 Popes:
Gregory IX, Innocent IV, Julius III, Paul IV, Pius IV, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Clement VIII, Alexander VII, Benedict XIV

Intercourse with 3 year old Permitted

“Jesus performed sorcery, incited Jews to engage in idolatry, and led Israel astray.”

Non-Jews Are Contaminated

"The animal of a Jew is more appealing to gentiles than their own wives, as Rabbi YoƔanan says: At the time when the snake came upon Eve, at the time of the sin of her eating from the Tree of Knowledge, it infected her with moral contamination, and this contamination lingers in all human beings. The Gemara asks: If that is so, a Jew should also be suspected of engaging in bestiality. The Gemara answers: With regard to the Jewish people, who stood at Mount Sinai and received the Torah, their contamination ended, whereas in the case of gentiles, who did not stand at Mount Sinai and receive the Torah, their contamination has not ended."

Non-Jews are Ethnically Contaminated with Bad Character Traits

"For what reason are gentiles ethically contaminated? He answered: Because they eat abominable creatures and crawling things, and that causes bad character traits."

Non-Jews Are Not Human

"Our Rabbis have taught: He who pours the oil of anointing over cattle or vessels is not guilty; if over heathens or the dead, he is not guilty. The law relating to cattle and vessels is right, for it is written: Upon the flesh of man [adam] shall it not be poured;28 and cattle and vessels are not man. Also with regard to the dead, [it is plausible] that he is exempt, since after death one is called corpse and not man. But why is one exempt in the case of heathens; are they not in the category of adam? - No, it is written: And ye my sheep, the sheep of my pasture, are adam [man]:29 Ye are called adam but heathens are not called 'adam."

Non-Jews Are Animals

"specifically to a Canaanite maidservant or a gentile woman. The Gemara asks: From where do we derive that betrothal with a Canaanite maidservant is ineffective? Rav Huna says: The verse states that Abraham commanded his slaves: You abide here with [im] the donkey (Genesis 22:5), which alludes to the fact that his slaves belong to a nation [am] similar to a donkey; just as betrothal is ineffective with animals, it is likewise ineffective with Canaanite maidservants. The Gemara comments: We have found that betrothal is ineffective with a Canaanite maidservant;"

Non-Jews Go To Hell

heretics; and the informers; and the apostates [apikorsim]; and those who denied the Torah; and those who denied the resurrection of the dead; and those who separated from the ways of the Jewish community and refused to share the suffering; and those who cast their fear over the land of the living; and those who sinned and caused the masses to sin, for example, Jeroboam, son of Nebat, and his company; all of these people descend to Gehenna and are judged there for generations and generations, as it is stated: And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have rebelled against Me; for their worm shall not die; neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh. Isaiah 66:24

Non-Jews and Their Books Are Not To Be Saved 

Rabbi Yishmael said: The fact that the names of God in the scrolls of heretics may be burned can be derived through an a fortiori inference:Just as to make peace between a husband and his wife, the Torah says: My name that was written in sanctity shall be erased in the water in the framework of the ordeal of the sota; these, the heretics, who impose jealousy, and hatred, and conflict between the Jewish people and their Father in Heaven, all the more so it is proper to erase God names because of them. And with regard to heretics, David said: For I hate those who hate You, God, and I fight those who rise against You. I hate them with the utmost hatred, they have become enemies to me (Psalms 139:21-22). And just as they, the scrolls of heretics, are not rescued from the fire, neither are they rescued from a rockslide, nor from water, nor from any other matter that destroys them.

Prohibitions on Selling to Non-Jews

Mishnah states that R. MEIR SAYS: ALSO A GOOD PALM', HAZAB AND NIKOLAUS ARE FORBIDDEN TO BE SOLD TO IDOLATERS [which implies that] it is only a 'good-palm' that we must not sell but a 'bad-palm' we may sell, yet we have learnt: One may not sell to them anything that is attached to the soil!…MISHNAH. IN A PLACE WHERE IT IS THE CUSTOM TO SELL SMALL CATTLE TO IDOLATERS, SUCH SALE IS PERMITTED; BUT WHERE THE CUSTOM IS NOT TO SELL, SUCH SALE IS NOT PERMITTED.8 IN NO PLACE HOWEVER IS IT PERMITTED TO SELL BIG CATTLE, CALVES OR FOALS, WHETHER WHOLE OR MAIMED.

Prohibitions on selling or gifting Non-Jews

19b: "The Gemara asks: From where is this matter, that it is prohibited to sell to a gentile anything that is attached to the ground, derived?"
20a: "You should not show them mercy (Dt. 7:2). this indicates that you should not give them favor. Another matter: You should not show them mercy this teaches that you should not give them an undeserved gift."

Deceiving Non-Jews is Permitted

"this ruling that permits the court to deceive a gentile is issued with regard to a regular gentile, whereas that verse, which teaches that it is prohibited to deceive a gentile, is stated with regard to a gentile who resides in Eretz Yisrael and observes the seven Noahide mitzvot"

Non-Jews Studying the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are to be Killed.

Rabbi Yoanan says: A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty; as it is stated: Moses commanded us a law [torah], an inheritanceƂ of the congregation of Jacob (Dt. 33:4), indicating that it is an inheritance for us, and not for them.

Forbidden to Heal a Non-Jew

Non-Jews are Suspected

"A woman may not seclude herself with gentiles because they are suspected of engaging in forbidden sexual relations. And any person may not seclude himself with gentiles because they are suspected of bloodshed."

Mishnah Is Superior To The Bible

"Our Rabbis taught: They who occupy themselves with the Bible [alone] are but of indifferent merit; with Mishnah, are indeed meritorious, and are rewarded for it;"


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