Consensus of the Fathers

First Lateran Council (649) Canon 17:

"If anyone in word and mind does not properly and truly confess according to the holy Fathers all even to the last portion that has been handed down and preached in the holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church of God, and likewise by the holy Fathers and the five venerable universal Councils, let him be anathema."

Council of Trent Session IV

"Furthermore, in order to restrain petulant spirits, It decrees, that no one, relying on his own skill, shall,–in matters of faith, and of morals pertaining to the edification of Christian doctrine, –wresting the sacred Scripture to his own senses, presume to interpret the said sacred Scripture contrary to that sense which holy mother Church,–whose it is to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy Scriptures,–hath held and doth hold; [Page 20] or even contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers;"

Vatican I 

Session 2 #3: 

Likewise I accept sacred scripture according to that sense which holy mother church held and holds, since it is her right to judge of the true sense and interpretation of the holy scriptures; nor will I ever receive and interpret them except according to the unanimous consent of the fathers.

Session 3, Chapter 2 #9:

In consequence, it is not permissible for anyone to interpret holy scripture in a sense contrary to this, or indeed against the unanimous consent of the fathers.


Sacrae Theologiae Summa (1955)

"We seek the objective and certain consensus of the Fathers, and indeed of all of them, not physically but morally only."

Fr. Ripperger- The Consensus of the Fathers and Theologians (2020)

"It is not necessary to physically go through every single writing of all the Fathers of the Church in order to determine whether they are unanimous on a particular point. Rather, it is only necessary to have moral certitude that they held a particular point of doctrine with the ability to back it up with sufficient citations."


Msgr. George Agius: Tradition and the Church (1928)

*Unanimous Consent of the Fathers in Faith and Morals is a Rule of Faith

    -If the Fathers explain a doctrine as true, but don't propose it as explicitly belonging to     the faith, it is dangerous and temerious to depart from it.

    -When the Fathers are really divided with grave reasons on both sides, we're free to            form opinion.

*Consent of even a very few of the Fathers, when the others are silent, or not contradicting, is a sign of Tradition. 

    -"Silence was a tacit consent."

    -"None of the Fathers remained silent when an innovation had crept into the Universal     Church."


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