Protestant Revolutionaries


All of Luthers’s teaching is clearly the result of his personal experience. 

He was impulsive, sentimental, hypersensitive, full of nervous energy, tormented by scruples, used crude language, and was prone to sudden breakdowns and moments of acute sadness.

The primary objection of Luther wasn’t abuses in the Church, it was replacing the Authority of the Church with private interpretations of Scripture.

Luther Quotes:

“Reason is directly opposed to faith.”

“Logic is nowhere necessary in theology.’

“Let the will take the place of reason.”

Luther, by his own opinion, eliminated 7 books out of the Old Testament, calling them "apocryphal."

Luther called the letter of St. James an “epistle of straw.”

Luther on the letter to the Hebrews said one would find, “bits of wood, hay, and straw.”

Luther on Revelation said “there are many things objectionable in this book…it bears upon it no marks of an apostolic or prophetic character…I feel an aversion to it, and to me this is sufficient reason for rejecting it.”


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