Fatima Plan for Peace on Earth and Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

 The Answer for Our Time:

When enough Catholics fulfill Our Lady of Fatima’s 5 commands, we will merit the grace for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

We must fulfill all 5 commands, while in the state of grace, and stop offending God, with an intention of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in reparation for attacks against it.

The 5 commands can be remembered by the phrase:

“Roman Catholic S.O.S.”

R.osary (daily)

C.onsecrate (yourself to Mary)

S.capular (wear the Brown Scapular)

O.ffer your sufferings to Mary

S.aturdays (First Saturday devotion)

When enough Catholics fulfill Our Lady of Fatima’s 5 commands, we (the faithful) will merit the grace for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

Mary to the children (7/13/1917):

“If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”

Jesus to Lucia (3/19/1939):

“Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”


Sr. Lucia (6/20/1939)

“She (the world) will obtain remission of this chastisement to the extent that efforts are made to propagate this devotion.”


St. Padre Pio:

“When enough people fulfill this pledge, then Our Lady of Fatima will convert Russia and she will bring true peace to the world.”

We must fulfill all 5 commands, while in the state of grace, and stop offending God, with an intention of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in reparation for attacks against it.

Mary to the children (9/13/1917):

“They (all people) must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.”

Jesus to Lucia (1936):

“Put the devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside devotion to My Sacred Heart.”

St. Michael to the three children (Summer 1916):

“Offer up everything within your power as a sacrifice to the Lord in an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended; and of supplication for the conversion of sinners.

The 5 commands can be remembered by the phrase:

“Roman Catholic S.O.S.”

R.osary (daily)

C.onsecrate (yourself to Mary)

S.capular (wear the Brown Scapular)

O.ffer your sufferings to Mary

S.aturdays (First Saturday devotion)

Sr. Lucia to Fr. Rafferty (8/15/1950):


Everyone in America believe there are four conditions of the 

Fatima message:

First of all, we are to say the Rosary every day

Secondly we are to offer the sacrifices of our daily lives

Thirdly, we are to make communions of reparations on 

First Saturdays. 

Finally, we are to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate 

Heart of Mary.”

Lucia: “There is one more condition-- the wearing of the scapular-

the symbol of our consecration. “You could not follow the message

of Fatima unless you add also the fifth condition which is the wearing of the Brown Scapular of Our Lady.”


When enough Catholics fulfill Our Lady of Fatima’s 5 commands, we will merit the grace for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

We must fulfill all 5 commands, while in the state of grace, and stop offending God, with an intention of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in reparation for attacks against it.

The 5 commands can be remembered by the phrase:

“Roman Catholic S.O.S.”

R.osary (daily)

C.onsecrate (yourself to Mary)

S.capular (wear the Brown Scapular)

O.ffer your sufferings to Mary

S.aturdays (First Saturday devotion)

When enough Catholics fulfill Our Lady of Fatima’s 5 commands, we (the faithful) will merit the grace for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.

Mary to the children (7/13/1917):

“If people do what I tell you, many souls will be saved and there will be peace.”

Jesus to Lucia (3/19/1939):

“Whether the world has war or peace depends on the practice of this devotion, along with the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”


Sr. Lucia (6/20/1939)

“She (the world) will obtain remission of this chastisement to the extent that efforts are made to propagate this devotion.”


St. Padre Pio:

“When enough people fulfill this pledge, then Our Lady of Fatima will convert Russia and she will bring true peace to the world.”

We must fulfill all 5 commands, while in the state of grace, and stop offending God, with an intention of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and in reparation for attacks against it.

Mary to the children (9/13/1917):

“They (all people) must not offend Our Lord any more for He is already too much offended.”

Jesus to Lucia (1936):

“Put the devotion to the Immaculate Heart beside devotion to My Sacred Heart.”

St. Michael to the three children (Summer 1916):

“Offer up everything within your power as a sacrifice to the Lord in an act of reparation for the sins by which He is offended; and of supplication for the conversion of sinners.

The 5 commands can be remembered by the phrase:

“Roman Catholic S.O.S.”

R.osary (daily)

C.onsecrate (yourself to Mary)

S.capular (wear the Brown Scapular)

O.ffer your sufferings to Mary

S.aturdays (First Saturday devotion)

Sr. Lucia to Fr. Rafferty (8/15/1950):


Everyone in America believe there are four conditions of the 

Fatima message:

First of all, we are to say the Rosary every day

Secondly we are to offer the sacrifices of our daily lives

Thirdly, we are to make communions of reparations on 

First Saturdays. 

Finally, we are to consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate 

Heart of Mary.”

Lucia: “There is one more condition-- the wearing of the scapular-

the symbol of our consecration. “You could not follow the message

of Fatima unless you add also the fifth condition which is the wearing of the Brown Scapular of Our



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