Meeting of the MindZ
Note: We do not necessarily agree with all the opinions expressed by each guest on the show.
Featured guests...
Featured guests...
Allan Wright (Principal of Koinonia Academy, Professor at Seton Hall, Author)
Anthony Stine on Return to Tradition
Austin Quick (@catholicconnect)
Barb Ernster (Our Lady's Blue Army)
Barry Dean (President of the Association of Catholic College Coaches)
Cardinal Burke on Catholic Faith and Morals
Caiomhe Doyle on the Holy Face devotion
Charles Coulombe (Author, Scholar, Commentator)
Charles Coulombe joins us again
Charles Coulombe monarchists must be Fatimists
Charles Coulombe King Louis' of France
Charles Fraune (Author of Slaying Dragons)
Curtis Voeltner on the Holy Face devotion
Cy Kellett on Building a Relationship with Christ
Dale Ahlquist on GK Chesterton
Daniel Vu (@tradcatmen)
Dale Ahlquist on GK Chesterton
Daniel Vu (@tradcatmen)
David Carollo on Fatima for the World
Donna Sue Berry on the Holy Face devotion
Dr. John Rao on Church History
Dr. Kevin Vost on Psychology and Aquinas
Dr. Ray Guarendi on Catholic Parenting
Dr. Kevin Vost on Psychology and Aquinas
Dr. Ray Guarendi on Catholic Parenting
Fr. Fidelis Moscinski on Red Rose Rescue
Fr. George Rutler (Author, Commentator)
Fr. Jacinto Mary (Living the Marian Consecration/Vow)
Fr. Jeff Pomeisl on St Joseph
Fr. Justin Cinnante (Carmelite, Iona Prep Chaplain)
Fr. Jacinto Mary (Living the Marian Consecration/Vow)
Fr. Jeff Pomeisl on St Joseph
Fr. Justin Cinnante (Carmelite, Iona Prep Chaplain)
Fr. Lawrence Carney on the Holy Face devotion
Fr. Mike Eguino on Don Bosco- Dreams and Discipline
Fr. Peter Dugandzic on Moral Theology
Fr. Phil Tangorra on Canon Law
Fr. Timothy Gallagher on Discernment of Spiritus and the Liturgy of Hours
Fr. Tom DeSimone on spiritual warfare
Fr. Phil Tangorra on Canon Law
Fr. Timothy Gallagher on Discernment of Spiritus and the Liturgy of Hours
Fr. Tom DeSimone on spiritual warfare
Hugh Owen on the Kolbe Center
Jesse Romero on Spiritual Warfare
John Horvat on Tradition, Family, Properly
Jesse Romero on Spiritual Warfare
John Horvat on Tradition, Family, Properly
John Preiss on Fatima for the Family
John Salza on Converting from Freemasonry
John Walker on GK Chesterton
John Salza on Converting from Freemasonry
John Walker on GK Chesterton
Kirk on only Catholics are Christians
Mary Jane Zuzolo on the Holy Face devotion
Michael Hichborn on the Lepanto Institute
Oz Chavez on Catholic Counseling
Pam Moon on the Holy Face devotion
Paul Thigpen on Spiritual Warfare
Peter Carter on Sacred Music
Peter Howard on the Fulton Sheen Institute
Robert Bennett on Geocentrism
Robert Ritchie on America Needs Fatima
Robert Sungenis on the Consecration of Russia; Geocentricity, and Vaccine
Robert Sungenis on the Consecration of Russia; Geocentricity, and Vaccine
Ryan Grant on Church History pt 1
Steve Cunningham (Sensus Fidelium)
Steve Ray on being Born Again
Steve Ray on Fatherhood
Thomas Mirus on Private Revelation
Tim Gordon on the Patriarchy
Tim Flanders on Theological Certainty
Tim Staples on evangelization and apologetics
Zachary King (Ex-Satanist/converted by Miraculous Medal)
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