Novus Ordo Under Review

Fr. Gregory Hesse concluded the NOM is illicit, not necessarily invalid. 


Illicit: not allowed

Valid: the Sacrament takes place

eg. Orthodox Mass is valid but illicit. 

Council of Trent (7th Session, 1547)

"If anyone says that the received and approved rites of the Catholic Church, wont to be used in the solemn administrations of the sacraments, may be condemned, or omitted at pleasure by the ministers, or be changed by any pastor of the churches whomsoever into new ones; let him be anathema."

Quo Primum - Promulgating the Tridentine Liturgy (Apostolic Constitution, 1570)

"let Masses not be sung or read according to any other formula than that of this Missal published by Us. This ordinance applies henceforth, now, forever, throughout all the providences of the Christian world."

"this present Constitution...will be valid henceforth, now, and forever. We order and enjoin that nothing must be added...nothing omitted...nor anything whatsoever be changed within it under the penalty of Our displeasure."

"We order them (all Church leaders) in virtue of holy obedience to chant or to read the Mass according to the rite and manner and norm herewith laid down by Us and, hereafter, to discontinue and completely discard all other rubrics...they must not in celebrating Mass presume to introduce any ceremonies or recite any prayers other than those contained in this Missal."


Fr. Hesse: NOM was never officially promulgated. The Holy Spirit protected the Church. 

NOM seemed to but was not promulgated by Paul VI in 3 places: Missale Romanum in 1969, Notificatio Congregationis in 1971, and while he elevated Cardinals on May 24, 1976. 

Here are the documents:

Missale Romanum 1969

Notificatio in 1971 p.712

This document sites several documents, including these: 

3/26/70: Congregation for Divine Worship (promulgating a new edition of the Roman Missal...)

9/30/70: Congregation for Divine Worship: (The Lectionarium added to Missale Romanum), 3 volumes 

1976 nomination of Cardinals


Fr. Hesse videos:




Bishop Zendejas

In order to promulgate the NOM, as a new ritual form of prayer, there were two things to do:

1.- to get rid of the ORDO MISSAE, which we call "old Latin Rite." It was forbidden in general but never lawfully finished.

2.- to allow "ad experimentum," (temporary) the new order to say Mass without the abrogation of the "old rite" nor with the promulgation of the NOM. 

None of these attached documents is a PROMULGATION of the (NOM).

None of these attached documents is an abrogation of the old.

Therefore, as the Mottu Propio 2007 says by Benedict XVI -  the Latin Mass NEVER was abrogated.

So, by the same token, the Novus Ordo Mass NEVER has been promulgated, as such. Per se, the Mottu Propio is not a promulgation either.

ROME IMPOSED THAT NEW ORDER-RITE OF PUBLIC PRAYER saying that Vatican II Council was Pastoral but no Dogmatic.
They couldn't imposed a law to believe in that sense because they claimed the non sense of pastoral renewal.


Because the Novus Ordo Mass, as a liturgical way of Man-centered-prayer, is the expression of the New World Order agenda.


You have to keep in mind what the Council of Trent says about the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, which
is at the same time (like a two sides of a coin) a SACRIFICE  and a SACRAMENT.

As SACRIFICE, the Holy Sacrifice of Mass is the expression of our Catholic believing in the mysteries of Blessed Trinity, Incarnation and Redemption, resumed in the four ends of Mass: 1.- Praising; 2.- Impetration (petition); 3.- PROPITIATION; 4.- Thanks-giving.

As SACRAMENT, there must be the three essential elements of Matter, Form, and Intention (performed by a real ordained priest)

NOM was promulgated:

1917 Canon Law was in effect until 1983.
    Can. 8 §1. Universal ecclesiastical laws are promulgated by publication in the official commentary, Acta Apostolicae Sedis, unless another manner of promulgation has been prescribed in particular cases. They take force only after three months have elapsed from the date of that issue of the Acta...

Acta Apostolicae Sedis included Notificatio in 1971 p.712

"The Roman Missal and the Lectionary of the Mass, from this Congregation issued (3/26/70: Congregation for Divine Worship and 9/30/70: Congregation for Divine Worship) during the celebrations, which take place in the English language, must now be used."

(Note Fr. Hesse quotes Church teaching that "we should obey a superior authority more than an inferior one." He argues Quo Primum is more binding than these documents). 

[blogger: Perhaps NOM supporters say that Vatican II Sacrosanctam Concillium (which called for new rites) trumps Quo Primum].


Pope Benedict XVI's Moto Proprio Summorum Pontificum


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